Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Why Upper Cervical Care?

San Rafael Upper Cervical Chiropractor

Upper Cervical care is based correcting nerve interference at the level of the brain stem. The brain stem is located at the top of your neck where it connects with the spinal cord. Billions of nerves, like electrical wires send messages and information from your brain via your brain stem to all parts of your body to maintain proper functioning and adaptation to life. Your breathing, thinking, emotions, heart beat, stomach digestion, muscle control, eye sight, pain sensations, chemical balance, depression, the strength of your immune system and your capacity to fight off illness...... to the production of disease is all regulated by the brain & brain stem, our massive computer system. We could not sleep, eat, talk, think, or survive without our computer system. We all know that if we severed the brain stem, life would cease.

Your brain stem functioning could be compromised whether from the birth process, falling off your bicycle, hitting your head on a cabinet or car door, sport traumas, skiing or snowboard falls, lifting heavy objects, a major accident, or more subtle constant stresses like being on the computer, mental stress, or as simple as sleeping the wrong way. These kinds of accidents or stresses may shift your head on your atlas and/or axis. (the top two bones in the neck) allowing the disease process to start. The atlas holds up our head, which weighs between 10-14 lbs. The atlas and axis joints are not interlocking joints like the rest of the spinal vertebrae. The only thing holding these bones in place are the surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments. When the atlas and/or axis are shifted out of place due to the traumas previously mentioned, this blocks the flow of healing messages to and from the brain resulting in various conditions and a lack of health and optimal functioning.

Did you know a child falls and hits their head about 5000 times between the ages of 1-4. Do you think nothing happens? Think again...
Just because we do not have immediate symptoms does not mean that we have not adversely affected neurologic function which will show up later in life. This is why we not only work with the correction of our patients ailments but work with many children on a preventative basis before disease has an opportunity to form.

The following resources have been assembled to provide you with more information on upper cervical care chiropractic wellness care available on the internet.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Organizations



